The face (phase) of Remote Work.

Joy Kika
2 min readJan 18, 2021

How bold of me to think everyone knew what Remote work was all about.

Attached is the face of remote working (of course stress and eroding hairline and deadline conveniently cropped out) Picture perfect 😍

A beautiful lady sitting on a balcony overlooking the ocean

“I’m working from home” was such a wild concept some years back until recently when COVID-19 forced the lot of us to work from home. In fact, it’s still weird in some circles, where you’re either imagined jobless, fraudulent, or simply a phone presser.

However like we’ve established that not all glitters are gold (you read it right), remote working does come with it’s good and not so golden brown dodo side. So I’d be taking time this year (as God helps me and as my new year resolution lasts, to share more on this topic that I’ve graciously put my face to.

So Remote Working to the outside world is you chilling and pressing phone, I personally defined it in the ebook “How to work remotely and not get Fired” as;

“working in your favorite underpants with legs on the table while meeting your daily tasks”- Kikasays!

For research and “corporate purposes”

Cambridge defines remote working as “a situation in which an employee works mainly from home and communicates with the company by email and telephone”

There’s so much to unpack in this definition and I intend to do justice to it with time.

Consider this as an official facial invitation to this new phase.

As we progress on this journey, I’d absolutely love to hear your thoughts. So let me know what you’d like to know 😉 Cheers to this new face (phase).



Joy Kika

Hi! I chronicle life from my perspective into helping others understand remote working, communications, marketing & faith! Stay inspired, leave me a message :)